About Us
Our Mission
The mission of the UC San Diego Deep Decarbonization Initiative is to help understand and guide the global economy as it moves toward net-zero carbon emissions. The aim is to understand how in the real world, policymakers and investors shift from existing to new energy systems and the pace at which such transitions occur. It also explores how such shifts could be accelerated so that global carbon emissions tumble even as energy systems meet the needs of humanity.
To accomplish this goal, we pursue research from the combined perspectives of the social sciences, engineering and the physical and biological sciences. We organize research across academic disciplines that engage energy industry officials, elected officials and other policy makers.
What’s unique about the effort is how we are embedding the study of modern societies — economics, politics and social organization — within technical research that will engage the whole of UC San Diego. We take the problems of climate change and deep decarbonization very seriously. But we also take the political and economic situations around the world very seriously. Getting to zero won’t happen just by telling people what is feasible; policies must be designed and analyzed with an eye to how the promise of new ideas can be implemented in the reality of actual governments and economies.
Learn more about our Research at the Intersection of Policy and Technology.
Contact Us

George R. Tynan
Jacobs School of Engineering
Email: gtynan@ucsd.edu ; gtynan@eng.ucsd.edu
Phone: 858-534 -9724; 858-822-4444

David G. Victor
School of Global Policy and Strategy
Email: david.victor@ucsd.edu
Phone: 858-534-3254